Insurers want ban on no win no fee and referrals

With the average cost of insuring a vehicle in the UK has risen to £1,000 a year, insurance companies have stepped up their call for a ban of no win no fee arrangements and referral fees paid to ‘ambulance-chasing’ legal firms.

Blinded schoolgirl to receive medical negligence compensation

After being struck blind after one leading eye specialist neglected to notice a tumour, one fourteen year old schoolgirl has recently sought and won a medical negligence compensation claim valued in the millions of pounds.

Personal injury claim launched by man paralysed in accident

Personal injury compensation specialists recently reported that a car accident claim was recently launched by a twenty four year old Londoner after he was paralysed from the neck down in the wake of a tragic road accident.

Bolton man loses arm at work, considers no win no fee claim

After one Bolton engineer lost his arm in a horrific accident in work while performing maintenance at a Lancashire Curry’s outlet, the Manchester Evening news reports that the man may be considering a work accident claim for his injuries.

Man wins £3.35m in motorcycle accident claim

After being knocked off his bike by a lorry and sustaining catastrophic injuries in the incident, one restaurant manager recently won his motorcycle accident claim and was awarded £3.35 million in personal injury compensation by the High Court.

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