Police forces injure, are injured in turn

It seems like it just doesn’t pay to be a copper today, considering how if you’re not causing road traffic accidents, you’re ending up costing your local authority thousands in personal injury compensation awards for work accident claims.

Cheshire worker may file for personal injury compensation

One Cheshire chemical factory worker may be considering whether to file a personal injury compensation case against his employer after an accident involving his right hand being dragged into metalworking lathe.

Blinded schoolgirl to receive medical negligence compensation

After being struck blind after one leading eye specialist neglected to notice a tumour, one fourteen year old schoolgirl has recently sought and won a medical negligence compensation claim valued in the millions of pounds.

Personal injury claim launched by man paralysed in accident

Personal injury compensation specialists recently reported that a car accident claim was recently launched by a twenty four year old Londoner after he was paralysed from the neck down in the wake of a tragic road accident.

Man wins £3.35m in motorcycle accident claim

After being knocked off his bike by a lorry and sustaining catastrophic injuries in the incident, one restaurant manager recently won his motorcycle accident claim and was awarded £3.35 million in personal injury compensation by the High Court.

Car accident claim backfires, results in £9k legal bill

After their whiplash compensation claim backfired, three scaffolders and their employer, who had filed a car accident claim in the wake of a 1 mph road shunt that had damaged their lorry and injured them, were slapped with a £9,ooo legal bill.

Former policeman awarded £13k in personal injury compensation

After lodging a complaint that his injuries sustained during an arrest stemmed from not having proper back-up, one former policeman was recently awarded nearly £13,000 in personal injury compensation.

Digger driver considering work accident claim after injury

After suffering serious injuries whilst on the job at the Old Trafford Cricket Ground during a renovation project, one digger driver may be considering making a work accident claim against his employer, reports the Manchester Evening News.

Driver collides with stray horse, asks for £3.8 million

After his Fiat Punto came into deadly contact with a horse that strayed onto a road in Worcester, one driver has filed a car accident claim against the owner of the animal for more than £3.8 million in personal injury compensation.

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