Manufacturing worker considers accident claim after injury

One manufacturing worker from Selby may now be considering bringing an accident claim against his employer after he suffered a serious personal injury on the job.

While working for a subsidiary of playground equipment manufacturer Playpower UK Ltd, fifty five year old Allan Davis suffered a horrific accident when his hand came into contact with a rotating circular blade, according to work accident claim experts familiar with the incident.

At the time of the accident Mr Davis had been cutting wooden discs used to construct mini-roundabouts in play areas in the Selby worksite.  Unfortunately the man’s hand was dragged along the exposed circular saw when the blade suddenly kicked back.  Personal injury claims specialists say that his injuries were so serious that Mr Davis’ surgical team had no choice but to perform multiple amputations on his right hand in order to remove four of his fingers.

Surrey-based Playpower UK Ltd of Tenacre Lane, Egham, was prosecuted by Health and Safety Executive at Selby Magistrates’ Court for its role in Mr Davis’ injuries.  The firm admitted being in breach of Health and Safety Regulations, which led to a fine of £4,700.  The court ordered Playpower UK Ltd to also pay £2,382.40 in additional fees.

In the wake of the court hearing, one inspector for the HSE commented that the incident had been completely preventable.  The inspector described the method the company employed for trimming the wooden discs as one that was inherently unsafe.

It is unknown whether Mr Davis will bring a claim against his employer for the horrific injures he sustained while at work.  However official figures indicate that many such employees injured as Mr Davis at the fault of their employers’ often continue to make successful claims against their employers.

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