£7,000 awarded in police-related accident claim

After a woman was hurt by the police when she questioned the arrest of an acquaintance, her accident claim case has resulted in a £7,000 personal injury compensation award.

Debbie O’Reilly had been on a walk throughout her neighbourhood when she came across the police restraining a man.  When she asked to know why her acquaintance was being detained, an officer pushed her.  She was then sprayed with CS gas.

Initially Ms O’Reilly faced charges of obstructing a police officer.  However injury solicitors doubtless played a role in her winning of the payout from the police.

Ms O’Reilly was taken to a local police station in an official vehicle.  She spoke out after her day in court, stating that the case had never been about the money.  She added that the true issue was the police’s mistake in assaulting her and getting them to admit their error.  Despite the settlement she has received from the police, she states that she was yet to receive an apology from the police force.

Ms O’Reilly’s personal injury compensation award should account for the fact that her face was blistered and burned by the spray.  At the time she stated that she would have fallen to the ground if not for the timely intervention of one nearby doorman.

In related news, personal injury claims have been on the rise across the UK recently.  The nasty winter weather could be playing a major role in the uptick in accidents, as several insurers have seen incidences of car accidents rocket upward in conjunction with the extreme conditions.  Insurer AA Insurance recorded as much as a 100 per cent increase in their weather-related car accidents, which leads many industry experts to believe that the number of personal injury compensation cases will most likely be on the rise as well.

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