Six year old boy awarded £6m medical negligence award

One six year old Epsom boy, who had been born paralysed so severely that he only has control over his eye movements, has recently been awarded a £6 million medical negligence compensation claim by the courts.

The young child, who was not named due to legal and privacy reasons, had been delivered through an emergency caesarean section when his mother began experiencing severe complications during her labour at the Epsom Hospital, according to accident claim experts writing for the Epsom Guardian newspaper.

The Guardian recently reported that delays in carrying out the caesarean delivery by hospital staff resulted in serious personal injury being suffered by the child.  The injuries to the young boy resulted in his quadriplegic cerebral palsy diagnosis, which means he has been left not only with a seriously compromised life expectancy but also without the ability to move any parts of his body besides his eyes.

The six year old boy, with the assistance of his family, has made a personal injury compensation claim against the NHS Trust for the Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals.  After the Trust admitted to being liable for the boy’s injuries in London’s High Court, he was given a compensation package award which could end up being in excess of £6 million.

Consisting of a £2.8 million lump sum, the compensation award also includes annual index linked and tax free payments in order to cover the massive costs that are involved in caring for the boy round the clock for the rest of his natural life.  Additionally, an apology was issued by the Epsom and St Helier Trust via a spokesperson, who admitted that the standard of care provided by the hospital was so poor.

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