Southampton woman receives interim car accident payment

One young Southampton woman, who had been riding passenger in a car that was hit by an eighteen tonne truck, recently received an interim personal injury compensation payment of £1.35 million after she filed a car accident claim.

Bishop’s Waltham native Sophie Wilkinson was only seventeen years old when the car her friend was driving pulled out in front of a lorry and was struck. Sophie sustained serious head injuries and devastating internal trauma which left her in a coma for six months, according to her personal injury lawyers, and resulted in an extended stay at hospitals in both Bath and Southampton.

Nearly four years after the life-threatening incident, London’s High Court ruled that the now twenty-year-old Sophie was entitled to an interim traffic accident claim compensation amount of £1.35 million. The interim compensation award will allow Sophie to return home from her Dorset rehabilitation centre and reunite with her family.

Injury experts have stated that the substantial sum is just a small portion of the entirety of the damages she will undoubtedly receive once her compensation claim is ultimately resolved.  The £1.35 million will enable her family to provide her with the twenty-four hour care and rehabilitation she will need going forward.

Sophie’s family plans to make use of the lion’s share of the interim compensation award to purchase and refurbish a new home that will fit the young woman’s physical needs. This will enable Sophie to be surrounded by her family once more, something she was unable to have whilst being confined to the rehabilitation centre where she received round the clock specialist care for her injuries.

Sophie’s father Andrew commented on her daughter’s health, stating that she was doing as well as can be expected after such an horrific accident.  However Andrew believes that his daughter’s health will improve even further upon the change in environment.

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