High Court hears medical negligence case for young boy

The High Court recently heard how a young boy was subjected to dangerous levels of oxygen deprivation at Kingston Hospital in a recent medical negligence case regarding to injuries he sustained during his delivery, accident claim specialists recently reported.

Five year old Alexander Ricket now needs round-the-clock care for the rest of his natural life after being diagnosed with cerebral palsy after his 2006 delivery, says his mother, Nicola.  Personal injury lawyers reported that the hospital submitted an apology to Alexander’s family, admitting that his delivery should not have been delayed.

Representatives for the NHS agreed to pay Alexander’s family personal injury compensation for the boy’s injuries, as Mrs Ricket reported the lives of her family had been turned upside down by the hospital staff’s negligent behaviour.

Alexander’s serious disabilities require him to have 24 hour care for his entire life, his mother remarked.  Not only does he not have the ability to communicate verbally he has recently begun to suffer from epileptic seizures as well, she added.

The New Malden native had a terrible experience during Alexander’s delivery.  She experienced both blood loss and excruciating pain during the birth.  It took hospital staff over an hour before they performed a caesarean section despite Mrs Ricket’s concerns.  Little Alexander had been dangerously deprived of oxygen during the entire delivery, which led to his cerebral palsy diagnosis and resultant disabilities.

The NHS Trust for the hospital made the admission that Alexander’s delivery should have been performed sooner.  However, officials stated that even if he had been delivered more swiftly, the boy would have still been diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

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