Suffolk woman files car accident claim for £500k

After narrowly cheating death in an RTA, one Suffolk woman has said she plans to make a car accident claim for £500,000 in compensatory damages.

Haverhill native Margaret Smith, of Cavendish Court, had been a passenger in a Citroen Saxo when it collided with Porsche 944 head on after it veered over on to the wrong side of the road.  Mrs Smith, aged fifty seven, sustained several serious injuries in the incident, including head trauma that led to brain damage that was so severe she can no longer manage her own affairs.  The woman now has problems with her eyesight and an increased risk of suffering from epileptic fits due to her injuries as well.

Mrs Smith’s sister, Jane Gatt, who was driving the car, passed away of her injuries after being rushed to Cambridge’s Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

With the help of Colin, her son, Mrs Smith is now seeking personal injury compensation from Stansfield native Rhodie Povie, the Porsche’s driver. Mr Povie was given a sentence of three years in prison after entering a plea of guilty to causing death to Mrs Smith’s sister by driving dangerously.

Mrs Smith’s personal injury claims are within the region of half a million pounds in damages.  Should her condition worsen, the woman has a provision allowing her to return to court for a review of her total compensation.

Both Mrs Smith’s legal representation and personal injury lawyers retained by Mr. Povie’s insurers have not yet been able to reach an agreement regarding how much Mrs Smith should be paid in damages.  However, MrPovie’s insurers have admitted liability for the incident that led to Mrs Smith’s serious injuries and her sister’s death.

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