Industry news roundup: week ended 22 Apr 2013:
It’s unfortunately a bit rare in this day and age, but sometimes the accident claims industry works properly, caring for those injured and punishing fraudsters.
In fact, for one 35 year old man that was involved in an absolutely horrific head-on collision a few years ago has finally been awarded personal injury compensation for the life-changing injuries he sustained in the road traffic accident. Mr Adam Wright, who had been in a terrible accident when a transit van coming the opposite direction lost control and caused a three-car accident, was in a coma for two weeks thanks to the injuries he sustained in the accident, which included internal damage, smashed legs, and serious head injuries, leaving him absolutely unable to return to employment due to the severity of his injuries.
The past few years following the accident were a nightmare for the man, as his memory, mobility, and vision are still impaired to this day. He also suffers from epilepsy as a remnant of the injury he suffered to his head, cannot move without the aid of a walking stick, and will most likely never return behind the wheel of a vehicle ever again.
It’s not easy to help take care of two children when you can’t work, not to mention deal with all the myriad physical problems after the accident. However, after a multi-million pound compensation payment at least poor Mr Wright can finally get some peace of mind in that department; it’s heartwarming to know that when the compensation system in the UK works, it works well.
It’s not just the compensation system that’s working right now but the personal injury claims process as well, especially when it comes to weeding out insurance fraud! In fact, news broke this week how a ring of five conspirators were exposed in their attempts to rig a car accident in order to defraud insurers for compensation. Officials say that the attempt was so laughably inept that the only way to describe it was ‘ham-fisted,’ especially since all the passengers of both cars lived nearby one another and that the owners of the two cars involved were living together at the time – and had a child together as well.
You really can’t get more dumb than this if you’re trying to defraud an insurance company. Well, I’m sure you can but I can’t think of how; if you’re going to try to pull one over on your insurer, you should probably take steps to get your story right and not make it so damned obvious – otherwise you’re just asking to be investigated and exposed for the absolute idiots you are!