Injured police officers claim thousands in damages

Being a law enforcement official can be a dangerous job sometimes: injured police officers from Lancashire have claimed thousands in damages after making work accident claims.

The Lancashire Police Force has been suffering from high volumes of personal injury at work over the last five years, as it was recently revealed in a Freedom of Information request that there were 4,000 police personnel injured in the line of duty. Two of these Lancashire police officers were injured so severely that their lives were even in danger, the documents revealed.

Luckily, not all the injuries were quite that severe; in fact a good number of them were complete accidents. One officer became injured after falling from their bicycle seat, earning a total of £1,500 in personal injury compensation, while another saw an officer injured when a colleague inadvertently threw a bike at him, injuring him enough to warrant a £4,620 compensation award.

It may sound frivolous, but it’s not as if there’s some concerted effort on the part of police officers in Lancashire to injure themselves in order to get a few extra quid. In fact, injury figures are overall in decline, even if last year’s figures were higher than 2010’s, indicating that most police personnel are actually quite careful due to their training and experience.

Still, accidents happen, which is why accident claims are made. If even professional law enforcement officers sometimes get embroiled in incidents at work that leave someone injured inadvertently, it’s no wonder that personal injury at work occurs in other employment sectors – especially the construction sector, due to the sometimes dangerous nature of the work.


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