Pensioner injured in mobility scooter crash at indoor market

One pensioner was injured in a mobility scooter crash whilst she was on a shopping trip at an indoor market, accident claim experts recently reported.

Leigh native Audrey King, aged seventy, was knocked down after the scooter collided with her unexpectedly.  The disabled female driver of the scooter was not injured in the collision – however Mrs King is now considering a personal injury compensation claim related to the injuries she sustained in the incident.

Mrs King’s injuries were so severe that it was necessary for her to spend nearly one week in hospital in order for them to be treated.  The pensioner suffered a fractured thigh bone and broken hip, which necessitated the insertion of a metal pin into her her hip in order to repair the damage.  Mrs King also needed another pin inserted into her femur as well.

After being informed that it may take as long as two years for her current injuries to heal – and that she may need a hip replacement procedure performed sometime in the near future – the retired former secretary has decided to make a personal injury claim against the driver of the scooter.

The case could prove to be a landmark one in personal injury law due to the nature of the incident.  Moreover Mrs King has called for changes to present law as there are currently no requirements for drivers of mobility scooters to take out any kind of insurance cover in the event of an accident.

Mrs King informed the Daily Mail newspaper in an interview that she felt the time had come for the drivers of these motorised vehicles to carry insurance to cover third party injuries.  A member of Mrs King’s legal team remarked that there are no limitations on purchasing mobility scooters, and that both instituting the requirement of securing compulsory insurance cover and passing a basic competency test could lead to pedestrians being safer when encountering such drivers.

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